
Current Situation Analysis

Social status quo


Public security issues

Large-scale migrants have led to a sharp increase in crime and complication of criminal cases. Such ugly phenomena as gambling poison spread rapidly. Key personnel lack control. Community security is adequate. Citizens lack a sense of security.

management problem

Information dimension is not comprehensive enough, content authenticity and integrity are not enough. Population and housing collection methods are backward. The one-to-one way of information acquisition increases the labor cost and requires long-term tracking, which is very passive and inefficient. The synchronization of government information announcements lags behind.

Current Situation Analysis

1. Complex population composition

Migrant floating population accounts for a large proportion and its members are relatively complex. It can not be ruled out that some criminal record personnel are mixed up among them, causing certain security risks to community residents.

2. The backward management means

Community safety follows the old pattern of man-to-man and man-to-man control, with backward management means, innumerable bases, unclear circumstances, scattered information and inadequate management.

3. Unable to control dynamically

The flow of people in and out of the community is so large that it is impossible to achieve all-round management and control by manual work. It is difficult to verify personnel information. It is difficult to identify key personnel by manual work, and the management is very difficult.

4. The entrance guard is too traditional

The residential area has a large number of households, complex personnel structure, and relatively complex identity of visitors. Traditional access cards in residential areas are easy to be embezzled and fraudulently used.

Construction objectives

Achieving the Goals at the Comprehensive Governance Level

2.jpgIntelligent Data Acquisition

Intelligent dynamic data acquisition of people, houses and cars in the jurisdiction is completed through intelligent access control, monitoring, brake, service platform, etc.

3.jpgRelational atlas analysis

Obtaining any single data of people, cars and houses, we can analyze the corresponding relationship data of people, cars and houses intelligently, and refine the data.

4.jpgCollection of Personnel Travel Records

Collect the dynamic information of each household's entry and exit, and master their living conditions and travel conditions.

5.jpgVehicle Control

By snapping the vehicle pictures into the residential area through the clamping device, vehicle control, license plate re-examination and vehicle collision analysis are realized.

6.jpgKey personnel deployment and control

Effective statistics and control of the entry and exit of people who are the focus of community attention.

7.jpgInformation Management

Through information management, we can reduce the disturbance and contradictions caused by manual household arrangement.

Achieving goals at the community level

8.jpgEstablishment of Household Information Base

Based on the data collection of basic information and facial features of community personnel, a household information database is established.

9.jpgApplication of Face Recognition Technology

To achieve access control based on face recognition, to solve the problem of transfer and loss of access cards, others take the initiative, and provide upgraded facial access control services.

10.jpgTemporary visitor access authorization

The landlord can authorize access control rights for visitors or tenants at any time to solve the dynamic management of access control rights for visitors and temporary guests during the period of time.

11.jpgAnalysis of Intelligent Grab

Access to entrance guard and face capture equipment, realize dynamic face recognition and record evidence in the process of entrance and exit, and realize peer and follower analysis.


What can we solve?

With the community of "the last mile of public security" as the core, we should realize the key, high-risk crowd control, community population management, rental housing management, meet the needs of comprehensive public security management and urbanization management, cooperate with Xueliang Project to complete three-dimensional public security prevention and control, and provide residents with safe, efficient, convenient and comfortable intelligent living environment. At the same time, to achieve the core goal of "global coverage, network sharing, full-time availability, full controllability", to mobilize the enthusiasm of residents and achieve the true meaning of mass prevention and mass control!


System Architecture


Terminal products


Intelligent Access Control Host

Intelligent access control mainframe combines IC card and APP open mode to ensure the convenience and safety of residents'access. Data will be aggregated and displayed on the comprehensive management information management platform.

Convenient service for the people


Intelligent APP

Intelligent APP redefines "Open Door" with Internet thinking to meet the core needs of users. It combines the convenient functions of intelligent government, intelligent medical care, intelligent education, intelligent pension, intelligent public welfare, convenient service and so on, bringing users a new intelligent life experience and security, and enjoying the convenience of intelligent community easily.

Police Service


Identity - Civilian Police

Public Security Offers Tasks to Assistant Police Officers

Public Security Receives Early Warning Notice for High Risk Crowds

Public security check the crowd in and out at special time

Identity - Assistant Police

Assistant Police Execute the Task of Handling Public Security Delivery

Police report suspicious community data

Identity - landlord

The landlord opens the door to the household's self-help authorization

Landlord Mobile App Manages Tenants

Comprehensive Management Platform


Floating Population Information Management:

The statistics of the number of residential quarters, total households, registered households, today's immigrants and today's migrants are updated in real time.

Housing Information Management:

Real-time uploading, updating, statistics and analysis of housing information can manage housing number and landlord.

Face Acquisition and Recognition:

Capturing the face images of entry and exit personnel, comparing and analyzing the data with the identity of registrants and blacklisters: entry and exit images, entry and exit records, and traffic statistics.

Early warning notice:

The door opener does not correspond with the registered identity information, gambling dens, pyramid selling dens, rooms, blacklist personnel, concerned people, high-risk groups, excessive flow of people, abnormal access, emergency alarm.

Housing and Population Management

The information is clear at a glance.

Real-time acquisition and updating of all the information of provincial, municipal, district, street, community housing, house rental, population number and population flow can effectively avoid the phenomenon of population, innumerable housing base and unknown situation, so as to make the community population housing management more intelligent, safer and more convenient.



Housing and Population Management


Population Analysis and Management

Intelligent access control, video system and platform are combined to effectively manage the population and housing in the community, so as to realize the intelligent management of the community.

Through the analysis of population, building number, unit number and house number, we can get the statistics of people moving in and out, age of community personnel, people concerned and housing information in different periods, and realize the real-time collection and management of community population and housing information.


Product introduction

Safety precautions

Based on the statistics and analysis of human flow, entry and exit records, visiting records, and portrait matching, effective control is carried out on the housing, pyramid selling and gambling poisonous nests. If there are abnormal situations, relevant information is pushed to managers, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of security incidents.


Behavioral attributes

Normal door opening, multiple calls, multiple card swipes, frequent access, more than one card, access time, user type, marked crowd, more in and less out

Data Center

Personnel Information, Access Record, Visit Record, Portrait Information

Prediction results

Yellow gambling, pyramid selling, blacklist, high-risk and caring personnel

Special Population Management

Through the management platform to input the community population, and set up a mark caring crowd, effectively prevent the elderly, children, disabled people and other abnormal conditions, if there are abnormal circumstances to push to managers, can improve the quality of service of community managers, improve the happiness of residents. For the input personnel information, after the analysis of special personnel, it can mark whether the personnel are high-risk personnel, promptly give early warning notification, improve the speed of alarming and effectively reduce the crime rate.


Management Platform Personnel Input

Care crowd setting

Server Special Personnel Analysis

Artificial Analysis and Intelligent Analysis

Early Warning for High Risk Personnel

Caring for the crowd, reminding special personnel to mark, high-risk groups

Prediction Processing

A reminder of strangers'visits, early warning of entry and exit at special times, warning of non-self-opening, warning of high-risk groups, and warning of caring groups

Introduction of Scheme

Key Population Control

Intelligent entrance guard will capture the faces of entry-exit personnel, upload the captured pictures to the server for in-depth analysis of the face data, determine whether the identity of entry-exit personnel is abnormal, if abnormal, immediately warn relevant personnel, to achieve the management and control of key personnel such as disruption of community order, terrorism, network escape, high-risk, illegal petition, etc. To provide a more stable and secure social environment.


Portrait capture of entry and exit personnel

Video surveillance video, frame extraction, strangers visiting and taking photos

Portrait capture of entry and exit personnel

Comparing Identity Information of Public Security System

Portrait capture of entry and exit personnel

Strangers Portrait Bank, Personal Evidence Unity, Black-and-White List Bank


Information Bulletin

Publicize and guard against knowledge and raise citizen consciousness. Build the voice channel of government and property, timely and efficiently synchronize government information to the access screen of residential area and building and user APP.


Emergency Notice

Notices, wanted criminals, fires, earthquakes, etc.


Government Bulletin

Government Information


Convenient Announcement

Water cut, power cut, weather or preferential information


Public Welfare Announcement

Care and Public Welfare Publicity Film

data sharing



data sharing

90.jpgAccess Control Maintenance

Through the operation of advertising and value-added business, advertisements are put on the APP of the access control host, which generates corresponding revenue and provides financial guarantee for the maintenance of the intelligent access control system.

91.jpgAdvertising methods

Access Control Host Advertisement, Intelligent APP Home Page Advertisement, Intelligent APP Key Pack Advertisement


Data aggregation platform

Convergence of community security terminal data

Through cloud access control, monitoring, parking system, smart home and other terminals, collect multi-dimensional data such as people, houses, cars.

Integrated Information Service Platform

Intelligent service platform is constructed based on aggregated platform data, combined with AI technology such as portrait recognition, video structured analysis, to provide real-time and effective data service support for relevant government departments.


Intelligent Access Control Host


Safety cornerstone of safe community, a community access control system with wisdom, video intercom, high-definition six-eye night vision photography, visitor photography and face recognition. Combining AI monitoring to create a new experience of safe travel life.


Parking Gate


Parking Lane brake equipment is located at the entrance and exit of the residential area, and the vehicles are monitored and photographed with high recognition. Realize parking fee, vehicle information tracking, license plate re-examination, etc.




High-definition camera combined with large data analysis can complete the analysis of intelligent pedestrian portraits, searching and locating key personnel in large crowds, behavioral trajectory analysis, warning and warning of dangerous behavior, 24-hour monitoring and shooting without blind spot. At the same time, intelligent analysis can monitor and warn the potential risks of key personnel, caring people, gambling poisoning, room-in-room and so on.


Property Management Service Platform


Property management service platform is an intelligent community platform for intelligent devices. Mainly to facilitate the management of community personnel, community safety, equipment monitoring and community services as the core products. Real-time grasp of community people, housing, cars, equipment and other related comprehensive information.


Landlord Assistant APP


The landlord assistant APP is convenient for the landlord to manage the rent and sale of the house, and the tenant to rent the entrance guard authorization. In the future, access to credit system will bring more convenience to the construction of safe community.


Property Management Assistant APP


Property management assistant is a mobile terminal service product for the convenience of property management and community security. Property or community security can be easily operated by app, such as remote access control, visitor tracking, community abnormal situation early warning, community security patrol, equipment patrol, etc.


Intelligent APP


Intelligent APP redefines "Open Door" with Internet thinking to meet the core of users'needs, and brings users a new intelligent life experience with various convenient functions.


Overview of data flow aggregation


Safe Community Integrated Service Platform


Localized deployment to the integrated service platform of the public security network. Based on the data aggregation platform, combined with AI technology such as portrait recognition and video structured analysis, it provides real-time and effective data service support for relevant government departments.


Personnel management

Static basic information of personnel, dynamic information management of household entry and exit, visitor entry and exit, vehicle entry and exit, and statistic information of household registration and migrant personnel flow


Housing management

Statistical management of housing foundation information, location information management, housing usage, nature of use, etc.


Vehicle management

"One Vehicle, One Gear" can inquire about basic information of vehicle, vehicle trajectory information, stolen and robbed information, basic information of vehicle driver and so on by vehicle license plate number with one key.


Video management

The functions of video module mainly include real-time monitoring, video playback, TV wall control, intelligent applications (face recognition, license plate recognition, passenger flow, etc.) and video file application.


Distribution and Early Warning

Through the basic information of personnel, license plate, portrait characteristics and mobile wifi probe data, the distribution control is carried out, and the track of personnel and vehicles is inquired.


Data analysis

Abnormal stay, high frequency access, peer analysis, stranger snapshot analysis, regional collision, identity card/license plate duplication


Emergency Notice

Publishing and Pushing of Government Information on Discovering Hidden Dangers, Sudden Disasters, Government Notices, etc.


Relational Atlas

Find vehicle information, community relationship, household situation, travel trajectory and snapshot records by individual person.


Visual data

Real-time dynamic view of the area under the jurisdiction of people, housing, vehicle comprehensive data, and combined with intelligent analysis, the deployment of control personnel, suspicious personnel and other behavior data are presented dynamically.


System Library Management

Intelligent storage of access control, monitoring, parking gate snapshot of people, car dynamic images and images, combined with AI artificial intelligence technology, intelligent analysis of control personnel, District personnel, portrait collection, abnormal behavior library. Through the system library, it is convenient to search and locate suspects and high-risk groups.


organization structure

Internal management organization structure facilitates administrators to assign operation rights and view operation logs.


Police General APP

Product Introduction of Civilian Police Edition

Police General APP is an early warning product for police to facilitate the management of community safety. The police can issue early warning notice through app receiving platform, issue tasks to assist the police to maintain community security. The landlord assists the mobile personnel to report, so as to achieve mobile intelligent office and maintain community security products.



Product Introduction of the Associated Police Edition

Police General is an early warning product of APP to facilitate the management of community security for police. The police can issue early warning notice through app receiving platform, issue tasks to assist the police to maintain community security. The landlord assists the mobile personnel to report, so as to achieve mobile intelligent office and maintain community security products.



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