
Industrial Computer Industry is about to usher in a new upgrade and development

The development of industrial computer industry has ushered in a new upgrade of industrial computer. The development of communication and network technology has brought tremendous changes to people's life and working methods. The arrival of the information age not only enables people to exchange freely at any time, but also greatly strengthens the exchange of information. Timeliness and accuracy. The application of the above three technologies in the industry has changed the production and management mode of the industry and opened up a new era of industrial automation, intelligent control and information management.

Among them, the realization of industrial computer intelligent control mainly depends on industrial computer, which is a kind of computer specially designed for industrial control, referred to as industrial computer. The initial role of industrial computers is to help measure, control and manage industrial processes. However, with the progress of technology and the development of industry, the significance of industrial computer has surpassed the era of "Made in China 2025". The original pure industrial computer.

As one of the core equipment of intelligent manufacturing, industrial computer has undergone some new upgrades and changes in product technology, service and industrial development. Its role in the age of intelligence and its tasks are changing. It is becoming more and more important.

Industrial Computer Industry Enters a New Period

In recent years, on the premise of constantly promoting computer, communication and network technology, the rise of industrial computer industrial Internet has opened industrial control systems in a specialized and closed state, which is a symbol.

Made in China 2025. Industrial control systems are intelligent and digital. The determination of informationization direction formally makes the isolated island belonging to industrial computer no longer exist, and industrial computer industry ushered in a new era and a new stage of development.

With the emergence of a new stage of development, there is no doubt that the new requirements for the intelligence, digital and information aspects of industrial computer products and technologies have been put forward. It is generally believed that the development of the new era dominated by intelligent manufacturing is the integration of a large number of computers, communication and control technologies, forming a new intelligent development system. Industrial computers are in the key position of intelligent systems.

Therefore, with the highly integration of various technologies in intelligent systems, the technology and products of industrial computer will also be upgraded and improved. In the future, industrial computers will break through the existing technical framework, have more open system architecture, higher integration, modular functions and intelligent machines, form a new generation of industrial computer products, and provide important support for the construction of 4.0 intelligent system in the whole industry.

Two changes are taking place.

At present, the intelligent, digital and information upgrade of IPC in the new era is still in progress, and it will take a long time to overcome difficulties and efforts to achieve final success. However, the upgrade process is not unremitting and unchanged. At least in some ways, the development of industrial computers has shown many changes that have been expanded through technological product upgrades.

What is more obvious is the change of service model. In the traditional manufacturing mode, the service provided by industrial computer only includes a single hardware product. Enterprises can basically meet the demand by ensuring the performance and quality of the product. However, as we enter the era of intelligence, when industrial computer products and technologies are upgraded to interconnection and interoperability, service content is also undergoing changes. Customers are no longer satisfied with a single product, but prefer to take industrial computers as the core to solve the overall problem. Procedure.

In this case, the traditional service content of industrial computer industry is changing from hardware to software and hardware. The traditional service mode also extends from single product to whole system solution.

In addition, information security issues in industrial computer applications have begun to attract attention. With the wide application of industrial Internet, intelligent manufacturing has brought about new manufacturing mode and new formats. The old closed industrial control system is gradually opening up, and the diversity and complexity of industrial computer network environment has brought many security problems. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal operation of industrial control systems and protect production safety and data information, enterprises have begun to increase the importance of industrial computer information security protection.

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