
Is "soft" strength the real strength of logistics?

        Improving logistics efficiency and reducing costs has been a hot topic in the field of logistics. Nowadays, in the field of logistics, the most important thing is not only to improve efficiency, but also to take into account the overall flexibility and expansibility. In the era of intelligent logistics, the development of software is an inevitable trend.

        In the field of industrial manufacturing, there are a large number of equipment connections. In addition to the management and control of equipment connections, the more important thing is how to analyze the data collected by the equipment and what kind of value it can produce, all of which need software to help realize. With the extensive coverage of the Internet of Things and the increasing number of information products, the development and application of software has become a bright spot in the era of "intelligent logistics".

        Logistics software generally refers to the information system used by logistics enterprises or logistics departments of enterprises, but there is no clear and unified statement. For example, for the third party logistics, in the enterprise operation, the most common are warehouse internal logistics (WMS, YMS, forklift/AGV management system), transportation fleet logistics (such as fleet management, vehicle GPS positioning tracking, distribution route planning software), order tracking (internal and external). Client). In the production enterprises, the application field will be more extensive. ERP system is used in every stage of production in the daily operation level, or software related to logistics process in the supply chain system, such as demand planning, order management, finished product distribution management, production planning, quality inspection system, inventory management system and equipment maintenance system.

        Wang Jixiang, vice president of China Warehousing and Distribution Association, defines logistics with software, which means virtualization of logistics hardware resources such as logistics operation facilities, equipment, goods and so on, and classifying them into basic logistics function modules and basic goods units according to the idea of modularization and standardization, on the basis of which application software is used. The virtual hardware unit module is managed and dispatched more openly, flexibly and intelligently to realize the intelligent management and control of logistics system.

        Software system develops from independent WMS system to integration with ERP system, and then to integration of supply chain management. The concept of big data and cloud computing is introduced into logistics system. Cloud service platform (cloud storage, cloud computing, cloud database, cloud security, etc.) has become a new direction of software development. The introduction of various AI technologies makes intelligent logistics more practical.

        In the past, logistics software tended to automate business processes, such as emphasizing the accuracy of warehouse inventory, the efficiency of receiving and receiving goods, and the non-stop operation of production lines. With the development of hardware automation technology and the progress of software big data analysis technology, the whole intelligent logistics software is more and more inclined to advanced equipment.

        For example, in the application of VR in logistics, warehouse workers usually need many operations in order management. Workers need to find the right goods, scan them and deliver them to the loading terminal. By using VR glasses, workers can automatically identify the location of items and check the target goods, which is much faster than human beings. This technology will significantly reduce the cost of warehousing business. DHL, a German logistics company, is testing AR systems on mobile terminals for real-time object identification, bar code scanning and indoor navigation. Wearing this device, warehouse staff can see the list of items on AR glasses, and the machine can also provide the best route for picking up goods, thus shortening the travel time.

        With the continuous improvement of manufacturing intelligence, software is playing an increasingly important role. The vigorous support of policies and the urgent need of enterprises have promoted the rapid development of software. Especially in the field of logistics, there is not only a strong demand for upgrading and optimizing infrastructure, but also a more urgent demand for supply chain management, which makes logistics software different from other industries in its particularity and importance.

        However, no matter how advanced the hardware is, a logistics equipment supplier can not do without the strong support of the software system. At present, more and more logistics equipment suppliers have shifted from simply providing hardware equipment to providing overall logistics solutions including control software. "Soft-hard combination" will be the core competitiveness of future enterprises in this new wave of technological revolution.

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